I feel like I have just emerged from a cocoon. After a breaking down of and wallowing in the soup that was my life, I have re-emerged and am now a different kind of being….
We have to start somewhere…
I would like to take a moment and thank the folks who have been following along with my herbal endeavors either as a newsletter subscriber, as an online customer, or from your local patronage over the years. Your interest and support mean everything to me and I hope to keep bringing information and stories, products and more to you regularly and with intention and love.
This is the first blog post I am curating and so I decided to start off by introducing myself my business and some of my personal life stories that pertain to this herbal path I walk.
My name is Rachel and I am the owner and curator of Moon Wise Herbals, an herbal products and consulting company.
I didn’t always know I wanted to work with herbs…
But a profound life experience set me on this herbal path I am on today and that experience was of becoming a mother for the first time. There were many things about being pregnant that opened my eyes to things I had not known before.
The main influence was my midwife.
She taught me, among other things, to use Raspberry leaf tea to tone and nourish my uterus. It really was the simplicity of using a plant to ready my body for a healthy baby that struck a chord in my own heart and soul and I have been studying and later practicing herbalism since.
As a business owner I have taken a path that is uniquely my own.
I have doubted myself along the way but I have also found inspiration and encouragement when I needed it. My friends and family have been amazing guinea pigs and a continuous source of information on how I can do better. Many herbal teachers inspire me and teach me.
Learning to connect deeper with plants has been a labor of love.
It also forces one to connect deeper with oneself. So this path has not just been one of learning herbalism but one of really learning who I am as a human on this planet and in this incarnation.
I have been curating products, an online apothecary and a very periodic newsletter for some years now. Moon Wise Herbals officially went into business in November 2011, Scorpio season. During the years following Moon Wise’s opening, I curated it as a side job, while keeping a regular job and raising my son.
My son is now about to turn 18 as I write this and we will be headed to the Northern California coast to celebrate. It’s been a wild adventurous ride and I love him so much. It was my desire to be stable for him that kept me from pursuing Moon Wise Herbals full time. But as he has gotten older, actually helping take care of me now, I have felt a huge push and desire to pursue my business dreams full time.
Over one year ago I made the decision to take the leap to curating my business full time. In April of 2022 I officially declared myself an entrepreneur and gave up my regular job for good.
I feel in a big way that both my son and I are coming out of our protective cocoons and flying high into new adventures and experiences.
He out into the big world to take his place in it and me endeavoring to curate more of myself and my creative pursuits to share with the world, for the health and wellness of all.
So, welcome on the Moon Wise train if you are new.
And if you have been in my neck of the woods for a while, thanks for being here. I hope you enjoy this extension of myself and my curiosities as I write to you more through this curated space.
In our next blog post I’ll be talking about one of my favorite aromatic plants, Helichrysum.
If you want to be notified when we post new blogs, sign up for our Newsletter, or check back monthly to the Blog section of our online Apothecary.
I welcome comments and questions and would love to hear from you!
Much Love,
Moon Wise Herbals curates all natural botanical goods for beauty, medicine and magick. Visit our online Apothecary where you can subscribe to our Newsletter, shop for curated goods, read about my Consultation services and leave/read product reviews.
1 comment
You are great 🐢🐢